- 1 Getting involved
- 2 Proposed Schedule
- 3 Details
- 3.1 Foley & Maitlin Chapter 6 - Distance & Size Perception
- 3.2 Saxena, Min & Ng: Make3D
- 3.3 Michels, Saxena & Ng: High speed obstacle avoidance
- 3.4 Karsch, Liu & Kang: Depth Transfer
- 3.5 LeCun, Bottou, Bengio & Haffner: CNNs
- 3.6 Krizhevsky, Sutskever & Hinton: ImageNet/AlexNet
- 3.7 Simonyan & Zisserman: VGG-16
- 3.8 Eigen, Puhrsch & Fergus: Depth map prediction
- 3.9 Shelhamer, Long & Darrell: Fully Convolutional Segmentation
- 3.10 He, Zhang, Ren & Sun: ResNets
- 3.11 Girshick, Donahue, Darrell & Malik: R-CNN
- 3.12 Giuisti et al.: Forest trails CNN
- 3.13 Cao, Wu & Shen: Fully convolutional depth 1
- 3.14 Laina et al.: Fully convolutional depth 2
- 3.15 Li, Klein & Yao: Fully convolutional depth 3
- 3.16 Goodfellow et al.: Generative Adversarial Nets
- 3.17 Dosovitskiy, Springenberg, Tatarchenko & Brox: Generating images
- 3.18 Oord et al.: PixelCNN
Getting involved
To register your interest, to get announcements, etc. from me about it, send me an email on
Proposed Schedule
The below schedule is only proposed, and subject to change.
- Week of 11 Sept: Foley & Maitlin Chapter 6: Distance & Size Perception
- Week of 18 Sept: Saxena, Min & Ng: Make3D
- Week of 25 Sept: Michels, Saxena & Ng: High speed obstacle avoidance
- Week of 02 Octr: Karsch, Liu & Kang: Depth Transfer
- Week of 09 Octr: LeCun, Bottou, Bengio & Haffner: CNNs
- Week of 16 Octr: Krizhevsky, Sutskever & Hinton: ImageNet/AlexNet
- Week of 23 Octr: Simonyan & Zisserman: VGG-16
- Week of 30 Octr: Break
- Week of 06 Novr: Eigen, Puhrsch & Fergus: Depth map prediction
- Week of 13 Novr: Shelhamer, Long & Darrell: Fully Convolutional Segmentation
- Week of 20 Novr: He, Zhang, Ren & Sun: ResNet
- Week of 27 Novr: Girshick, Donahue, Darrell & Malik: R-CNN
- Week of 04 Decr: Liao, Huang, Wang, Kodagoda, Yu & Liu: Fuse with laser
- Week of 11 Decr: Giuisti et al.: Forest trails CNN
- Week of 18 Decr: Break
- Week of 25 Decr: Cao, Wu & Shen: Fully convolutional depth 1
- Week of 01 Jany: Laina et al.: Fully convolutional depth 2
- Week of 08 Jany: Li, Klein & Yao: Fully convolutional depth 3
- Week of 15 Jany: Goodfellow et al.: Generative Adversarial Nets
- Week of 22 Jany: Dosovitskiy, Springenberg, Tatarchenko & Brox: Generating images
- Week of 29 Jany: Break
- Week of 06 Febr: Oord et al.: PixelCNN
Foley & Maitlin Chapter 6 - Distance & Size Perception Go to Chapter 6.
Saxena, Min & Ng: Make3D
Michels, Saxena & Ng: High speed obstacle avoidance
Karsch, Liu & Kang: Depth Transfer
LeCun, Bottou, Bengio & Haffner: CNNs
Krizhevsky, Sutskever & Hinton: ImageNet/AlexNet
Simonyan & Zisserman: VGG-16
Eigen, Puhrsch & Fergus: Depth map prediction
Shelhamer, Long & Darrell: Fully Convolutional Segmentation
He, Zhang, Ren & Sun: ResNets
Girshick, Donahue, Darrell & Malik: R-CNN
Giuisti et al.: Forest trails CNN
See also youtube.
Cao, Wu & Shen: Fully convolutional depth 1
Laina et al.: Fully convolutional depth 2
Li, Klein & Yao: Fully convolutional depth 3
Goodfellow et al.: Generative Adversarial Nets
Dosovitskiy, Springenberg, Tatarchenko & Brox: Generating images