- 1 Getting involved
- 2 Proposed Schedule
- 3 Details
- 3.1 Foley & Maitlin Chapter 6 - Distance & Size Perception
- 3.2 Saxena, Min & Ng: Make3D
- 3.3 Michels, Saxena & Ng: High speed obstacle avoidance
- 3.4 Karsch, Liu & Kang: Depth Transfer
- 3.5 LeCun, Bottou, Bengio & Haffner: CNNs
- 3.6 Krizhevsky, Sutskever & Hinton: ImageNet/AlexNet
- 3.7 Simonyan & Zisserman: VGG-16
- 3.8 Eigen, Puhrsch & Fergus: Depth map prediction
- 3.9 Shelhamer, Long & Darrell: Fully Convolutional Segmentation
- 3.10 Loffe & Szegedy: Batch Normalization
- 3.11 He, Zhang, Ren & Sun: ResNets
- 3.12 Girshick, Donahue, Darrell & Malik: R-CNN
- 3.13 Liao, Huang, Wang, Kodagoda, Yu & Liu: Fuse with laser
- 3.14 Giuisti et al.: Forest trails CNN
- 3.15 Cao, Wu & Shen: Fully convolutional depth 1
- 3.16 Laina et al.: Fully convolutional depth 2
- 3.17 Li, Klein & Yao: Fully convolutional depth 3
- 3.18 Luo et al.: Deep Learning + Stereo
- 3.19 Goodfellow et al.: Generative Adversarial Nets
- 3.20 Dosovitskiy, Springenberg, Tatarchenko & Brox: Generating images
- 3.21 Oord et al.: Pixel-RNN & Pixel-CNN
- 3.22 Isola et al. Pix2Pix
- 4 List of interested people
Getting involved
We are trying to find a suitable time each week to hold this. Please enter your details in the following doodle poll and register your interest by sending me an email on
Decision about a time slot during the week will be made as soon as possible after the course registration period.
Note: this reading group is about deep learning as applied to depth estimation from a single image - one of the super hot topics. If your interest is deep learning in general, you may find some of the readings a little bit off-topic. So let me know if you want some idea about which you should read for.
Proposed Schedule
The below schedule is only proposed, and subject to change.
- Week of 11 Sept: Foley & Maitlin Chapter 6: Distance & Size Perception
- Week of 18 Sept: Saxena, Min & Ng: Make3D
- Week of 25 Sept: Michels, Saxena & Ng: High speed obstacle avoidance
- Week of 02 Octr: Karsch, Liu & Kang: Depth Transfer
- Week of 09 Octr: LeCun, Bottou, Bengio & Haffner: CNNs
- Week of 16 Octr: Krizhevsky, Sutskever & Hinton: ImageNet/AlexNet
- Week of 23 Octr: Simonyan & Zisserman: VGG-16
- Week of 30 Octr: Break
- Week of 06 Novr: Eigen, Puhrsch & Fergus: Depth map prediction
- Week of 13 Novr: Shelhamer, Long & Darrell: Fully Convolutional Segmentation
- Week of 20 Novr: He, Zhang, Ren & Sun: ResNet
- Week of 27 Novr: Girshick, Donahue, Darrell & Malik: R-CNN
- Week of 04 Decr: Liao, Huang, Wang, Kodagoda, Yu & Liu: Fuse with laser
- Week of 11 Decr: Giuisti et al.: Forest trails CNN
- Week of 18 Decr: Break
- Week of 25 Decr: Cao, Wu & Shen: Fully convolutional depth 1
- Week of 01 Jany: Laina et al.: Fully convolutional depth 2
- Week of 08 Jany: Li, Klein & Yao: Fully convolutional depth 3
- Week of 15 Jany: Luo et al.: Deep Learning + Stereo
- Week of 22 Jany: Break
- Week of 29 Jany: Break
- Week of 06 Febr: Goodfellow et al.: Generative Adversarial Nets
- Week of 13 Febr: Dosovitskiy, Springenberg, Tatarchenko & Brox: Generating images
- Week of 20 Febr: Oord et al.: Pixel-RNN and Pixel-CNN
- Week of 27 Febr: Isola et al. Pix2Pix
Foley & Maitlin Chapter 6 - Distance & Size Perception Go to Chapter 6.
Because our project is about using machine learning to extract depth from a single image it pays to learn a bit about how humans do it.
Saxena, Min & Ng: Make3D
This is the classic paper that brought machine learning to the problem of depth from a single image, quite successfully, considering previous attempts. It uses Markov Random Fields, which are a bit advanced but, importantly, quite slow.
Michels, Saxena & Ng: High speed obstacle avoidance
Here the same authors focus on a related problem, that of determining open spaces for guiding a vehicle, again using machine learning techniques.
Karsch, Liu & Kang: Depth Transfer
This is a nonparametric approach to depth from a single image. They search a database of images similar to the observed one then warp the image retrieved from the database to estimate the depth of the current image.
LeCun, Bottou, Bengio & Haffner: CNNs
Here is the classic paper applying convolutional neural networks to image processing.
Krizhevsky, Sutskever & Hinton: ImageNet/AlexNet
Here is when convolutional neural networks and deep learning really showed what it could do - the problem of image recognition.
Simonyan & Zisserman: VGG-16
A relatively recent "deep" deep net with 16 layers for image recognition. Note: successful recent networks have one thousand layers.
Eigen, Puhrsch & Fergus: Depth map prediction
Finally, we apply deep neural convolutional networks to the problem that we are interested in.
Shelhamer, Long & Darrell: Fully Convolutional Segmentation
Here a related problem is solved, that of semantic segmentation, but this approach is applicable to our problem.
Loffe & Szegedy: Batch Normalization
A recent technique that has enabled powerful new methods and ultimately much deeper neural networks. Important stuff.
He, Zhang, Ren & Sun: ResNets
This work and variations on it have been the basis of the 1000 layer recent neural networks. Important stuff.
Girshick, Donahue, Darrell & Malik: R-CNN
We take a slight seque to check out how tracking has been done recently with neural networks. Note that Faster-RCNN and more recent alternatives use similar principles but do it faster.
Liao, Huang, Wang, Kodagoda, Yu & Liu: Fuse with laser
Here we see an interesting depth-from-single-image sensor fusion with robotics applications.
Giuisti et al.: Forest trails CNN
See also youtube.
Here we have a CNN-based update to the learn-to-navigate-from-images problem addressed by Saxena et al. above.
Cao, Wu & Shen: Fully convolutional depth 1
Here we start a series of recent papers that take different approaches using deep nets to depth from a single image.
Laina et al.: Fully convolutional depth 2
Here we continue a series of recent papers that take different approaches using deep nets to depth from a single image.
Li, Klein & Yao: Fully convolutional depth 3
Here we finalise a series of recent papers that take different approaches using deep nets to depth from a single image.
Luo et al.: Deep Learning + Stereo
Combining deep learning and stereo.
Goodfellow et al.: Generative Adversarial Nets
Another important recent development that we may make use of.
Dosovitskiy, Springenberg, Tatarchenko & Brox: Generating images
A non-adversarial approach to the same problem.
Oord et al.: Pixel-RNN & Pixel-CNN
Producing distributions over images. We have always intended to do something like this for depth images.
Isola et al. Pix2Pix
We can use this too. And it's cool.
List of interested people
(who I will contact with information about the schedule etc.)
- Abdulmajeed M. K.
- Alican M.
- Anas M.
- K. Bulut Ö.
- Imaduddin A. M.
- Tolga C.
- Bilge A.
- Hatice K.
- Hossein P.
- Torkan G.
- Buse Sibel K.
- Oğuzhan C.
- M. Alperen Ö.
- Elena B. S.
- Müjde A.